Camtech 2000 |
Have Any Folders and Files You'd Like To Hide?
Camtech's CT Attrib will hide, retrieve, clear or set the System, Read Only, Hidden and Archive attributes of folders and files. Capable of clearing entire folders and their contents at one time or setting attributes of individual files. Useful for changing system icons. Change the Date Created, Last Modified and Last Accessed. Password protected program hides folders you select along with their entire contents which can only be seen with this program. Removes/restores the 'Show All Files' option in Windows Explorer and puts that control in CT Attrib so Windows Folder Options can only be set from within the program for further security. Password is stored encrypted and can be changed any time. Let's you take complete control of managing and hiding files and folders.
To purchase
registered version
here: $15.00
Purchase options at the above link are by credit card, mail order, phone, fax or call: 1-877-353-7297 (Toll Free), 1-425-392-2294 (International)
Purchases may also be made using Paypal